A leaner neck warmer

It might be spring but me and my giraffe neck still need a neck warmer. Lucky for me I like making things. The neck warmer I crocheted last year was in a thick recycled yarn and ended up being a bit bulky, which ideal for winter. So now I wanted a thinner one I could […]

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The summer hat

I think this is maybe the first hat I’ve ever owned (at least as an adult)! I got tired of looking for summer hats online and finally crocheted one myself. I sort of followed this pattern using this paper yarn.I’m really glad to finally have a summer hat that fits and stays put. I was […]

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It’s another beanie

It might already be spring and sandal weather might be just around the corner but I’ve been knitting a beanie. Even though I’ve knitted on semi industrial knitting machines, I somehow thought that knitting in the round by hand was something that was going to require a lot of practice on my part. However, it […]

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The loveliest batik shirt

Sometimes I make such great finds when second hand shopping that can’t believe my own luck. That’s exactly what happened when I found this wonderful shirt. I was in the men’s section hoping to find a hoodie when I decided to look at men’s shirts, something I rarely do. The minute I saw the print […]

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The widest purple pants

I’m gonna call these my MC hammer pants even though the shape is different from his iconic garment. I will say I’m tempted to do the dance every time I put these on. I got these pants the same day as that purple skirt, the day when I was apparently into purple drapey garments. This […]

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I need more purple in my life

You know when a colour gets trendy and you start seeing it everywhere and then you start wanting garments in that colour ? That’s what happened to me during that recent lavender trend. I hadn’t had a reaction like that in a while! My wardrobe is a bit lacking in the purple part of the […]

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The lady coat

I found this coat last October, at the same time as that velvet skirt. There was no doubt whether I should buy it even though I already own one dark blue coat. What was my excuse? I wear dark blue the same way other people wear black, it’s my neutral colour. Also I was in […]

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Blue Velvet

There was a time when I avoided pencil skirts like the plague, now I have a collection gathering up in my wardrobe. How times have changed. I almost ruined this beautiful second hand skirt. I remembered that it was cotton but forgot how delicate velvet can be when putting it in the washing machine. Learn […]

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Red, Red, Red!

Every once in a while I find a magical garment, one of those garments I put on and ask “why didn’t I think of this before?” Sometimes it’s because of a trend. Like the reincarnation of the sweatshirt a few year ago. Most common for me though is a second hand find. Remember the vintage […]

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Coat Jackpot!

Sometimes the unlikely happens. Like walking into a second hand store looking for coats and actually finding one to buy. How lucky am I! For the past two years or so I’ve been wearing the same coat most of the year. It’s navy blue cotton-poly blend coat with a slightly padded lining that I also […]

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It’s another Kimono?

Considering all the debates happening on social media about cultural appropriation, I hesitated for a bit about posting this. Then I decided to anyway because I did make this garment and have been wearing it. I’ve noticed some people like dismiss discussions around cultural appropriation and claim “everyone so sensitive these days”! But I think […]

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The skirt of the season

I’m really committing to sharing my second hand finds, so here comes another one. I got this skirt on a random day in April and it’s probably been my most worn skirt this summer. I have thing for A-line skirts and floral prints but this skirt also has proper pockets, so my purchasing decision was […]

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Tangerine Cloud – a second hand find

I recently had to get a pair of shoes for friend’s wedding and reluctantly ordered a pair from a fast fashion retailer. None of my friends have the same shoe size and all the shoes I saw at the second hand stores were three sizes too small for me. That’s how I justified the purchase […]

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