2022 Calendar is here!

Remember that calendar I designed for 2020? You know, back when we all thought it was going to be a magical year? Well, I liked my quirky rhymes so much I decided to bring them back for 2022 with new illustrations. This time the calendar is in A4 and letter size instead of A3. I […]

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Celestial Champions

“Celestial Champions – An experimental exploration of hemp through monomateriality”, that is the lengthy title of my masters thesis from Aalto University. I handed it in almost two months ago but it’s like my brain hasn’t fully understood that it’s done and I can now relax. To shortly describe the project, it is a hands […]

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ASTRA pattern update!

When I put my crochet patterns for sale I usually focus on making interesting repeat patterns that can be used for different products. So one person can make a bag and another can make a carpet or blanket using the same pattern. Now I’m thinking it might be easier for some customers if the pattern […]

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Vibrant Blossom

I always get a bit nostalgic during fall and find myself looking at pictures of the past summer’s highlights. It’s usually when Helsinki is becoming increasingly grey and it’s still a while until Christmas. This summer I was really glad to be able to visit the Rhododendron Park and take in all the colours. I […]

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New crochet pattern and Etsy shop opening

Undine is probably my favourite crochet pattern of the ones I’ve designed so far. I like the seamless repeat and how abstract it is. I’m really looking forward to see what you all create with this pattern.I’ve also opened up an Etsy shop! For now it’s only for the crochet patterns but I’m open to […]

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Neon Candy

These colours bring back fond memories of hot summer days walking around Harajuku and being amazed by everything I saw. Tokyo is such a fascinating city and I dream of returning one day. Right now I’m looking for neon cotton yarns for a scarf project. Any tips?

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New crochet pattern: ASTRA is now live!

Drumroll please! I have finished another tapestry crochet pattern and I’ve named it Astra. I think it’s a timeless and versatile pattern that can be used for different types of bags or cushions. The pattern has a couple of options and can be crocheted with two or three colours.I’m really curious to see what you […]

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Cherry Blossom

There’s just something special about cherry blossoms. A longstanding dream of mine is to one day travel to Japan during sakura season. It’s gonna take while before that trip happens, with global pandemic going on and my current lack of funds. Until then I’ll enjoy and appreciate the few cherry but lovely cherry blossoms we […]

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My first tapestry crochet pattern!

Fletcher, my first tapestry crochet pattern is finally available for purchase on the webshop. I was a bit nervous to put it out there. I’ve been crocheting for years but I’m no expert. I also know there are as many different preferences for patterns as there are crocheters. But as with all new things, one […]

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Berlin Spring

I haven’t done colour palettes for a while and I’ve really missed it. In these really difficult times I’m finding it therapeutic to work with colours. I’m now testing a more commonly used format so that the colours take up more space of the layout. I’m really curious what you think of this palette and […]

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The joy of learning new things

I love learning new things, especially new ways to create. My curiosity and my love of learning are things I hope I will never loose sight of, no matter how old I get. Last spring I got to try something I’ve been curious about for a while, jacquard weaving. Even though I struggled with understanding […]

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