I had the idea for this calendar a few years ago. After that, every year come November I’d be like ” I need to finish that calendar” and every year I’d postpone it. At the end of last year I decided that this will be the calendar for 2020. A new decade felt like the best time to publish it. Then I forgot to reserve time for setting up the payment system and because of the holidays everything ended up being finished mid January.
I considered redoing the calendar for 2021 but I felt that I’d been working on it for so long, it’s better so release into the world, even though it’s a bit late. I just have to design something new for 2021.

So if you’re like me and a bit late with planning 2020, head over to the shop and buy my calendar. It’s a printable calendar so you download a PDF after purchase and can then print it on whatever quality paper you like. The calendar is in A3 size but can be scaled down to A4.