I’m gonna call these my MC hammer pants even though the shape is different from his iconic garment. I will say I’m tempted to do the dance every time I put these on. I got these pants the same day as that purple skirt, the day when I was apparently into purple drapey garments.

This was one of those instinctive ” this is such an odd garment, I’m intrigued” type of purchases. I rarely find pants that fit in second-hand stores and I can’t remember ever owing pants in jersey other than sweat pants. So despite my scepticism over the jersey and the length I was sold on the colour, comfort and drape.

The story of this top is a bit of a funny one. I got this fabric from a box of “waste” fabric we used to have under the cutting table during my BA. I loved the colours and the print so much that I saved it and made a top many years later. However, every time I wear it I always think someone is gonna come up to me and ask me questions about Tanzania ( the print is a jubilee print) and then there will be an awkward silence.

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