This raincoat was really a great find, the size is just right and it has a hood and pockets. One thing I need to fix is the hem. The person who owned it before me adjusted the length using a very wavy seam. The only negative thing is that the raincoat is made of PVC coated cotton. Not only is PVC toxic, it’s also very difficult to recycle. Sure, I can justify my purchase by saying it’s better to buy old PVC products than new ones but it doesn’t change the product’s life cycle. These are tricky issues but I think it’s important to think and read about it and try to make smart and concious decisions. The mystery though is why I’m all of a sudden buying red coats? It wasn’t long ago that I bought another red coat from the same store!

The fascinating  thing with second hand shops is that you never know what you’re gonna find. I often go hunting for one thing but end up buying something completely different. A few weeks ago however I had unusual luck and made great finds, the first were some cute glass jars,  the second an amazing vintage Rukka raincoat. I have been looking for a raincoat for quit a while so I was thrilled when I found this one. I didn’t notice the made in Finland label until I was in the parking lot. Judging from the material and the logo the raincoat is probably from the 70’s.

4 thoughts on “ Let the rain fall down ”

    1. Unfortunately not anymore. I sold it a while back because I wasn’t using it that often.

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