Remember a while back when I crocheted all those swatches and vowed to get started on a scarf? Well, I finally got started but I didn’t use any of the crochet stitches I had sampled. What happened was I went to the yarn store and bought a few skeins of yarn in this lovely apple green colour, but when I got home I realised that the yarn was too thick for what I had in mind. So after hours of googling, youtubing and testing crochet stitches I decided to go with a basket weave stitch. I really like the thickness and the texture of it but it consumes a lot of yarn so I might have to pay that yarn store another visit.
I find crochet to be very meditative so I’m glad I have this project to keep me occupied through the dark winter months.

beautiful. I wish I could knit or stitch, but I think my joints would disagree. 🙁 I’d make myself some new wool socks every season!
Thank you 🙂 Maybe crocheting or knitting would be good therapy for your joints.