Hydrangea Mania

I might have missed the cherry blossom season in Tokyo but I arrived just in time for hydrangeas.I saw them everywhere in Tokyo; in the well kept gardens, next to train tracks, on the balconies of skyscrapers and other unexpected places. I couldn’t stop taking pictures of them and I probably looked quit silly doing it. I got a curious […]

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Out and about in London town

During easter I headed to London for an extended weekend trip. I have a friend that I had been promising to visit for years but I also wanted to get reacquainted with this metropolitan city. The last visit was probably 10 years ago! I went without a detailed plan, I knew I wanted to go to a […]

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The Grand Adventure

Ok, so I might be misusing that word, adventure. I didn’t do any extensive hiking, visit a remote village or anything like it, I was technically on a city vacation. Yet an adventure it was! It was one of those life altering, confidence boosting and really inspiring trips. Not only was it the first time I […]

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North Berwick

One day on our Scottish adventure we decided to get out of the Edinburgh and see more of the neighbouring region. We set our course towards North Berwick as it was on the coast and only a short train ride away. What we found was a very cozy and quiet town. It felt like we were the only tourists there when […]

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Holy Craftmanship

Sometime when you travel you’ll have one attraction on a list you plan on visiting if you run out of other activities. For me, on our trip to Edinburgh the attraction was St. Giles’ Cathedral. It’s usually stained glass windows and their vivid colours that bring to the cathedrals but I’m also intrigued by the architecture and ornaments. Strangely enough […]

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The magic of the highlands

After we booked our flights to Edinburgh Kea, the awesome travel planner that she is, suggested we should book some guided tours and see more of Scotland than just the capital. I was eager to visit a new country so I was open to all suggestions. After the tours were booked I didn’t give it more […]

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Bonny Edinburgh

Scotland is one of those places that has been on my travel list but usually at the lower end behind countries like Japan, Egypt and South Africa. Then a series called Outlander came and all of a sudden my friends and I were longing for the Scottish highlands. We started talking about a roadtrip for the following […]

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2015 was an event full year in many ways. I turned 30! It was a birthday I feared might cause some sort of existential crisis but what I found was motivation. I decided to stop putting off things I want to do, ’cause if not now, then when? I guess it was me finally realising […]

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Cosy Brick Galore

In the past few years I’ve been trying to be a better big sister and that recently led me to the cosy city of Lund in Sweden and my youngest brother. It was a brief visit that involved a quick stop in Copenhagen (but more about that in another post) and an overuse of the map […]

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Rings and Scarecrows

Juthbacka market is one of the biggest flea markets in  Finland, if not the biggest. It’s a two day event that gathers people from all over the country. The first time I attended was probably ten years ago, I remember it raining so much we had difficulty getting the car out of the mud. For a number of […]

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Watch out for the tourists!

The last time I went to the old town of Stockholm it was on a school trip and it was during the dark winter so on my recent trip I revisited the neighbourhood. It was partly because I didn’t remember much from my previous stay but also because  I wanted to visit some handicraft stores I imagined would be […]

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Mastering the art of dining solo

If there’s one thing I always struggle with when travelling solo is eating alone at restaurants. I have no problem eating alone at home, when it’s just me and my bowl of noodles but put dining me in a public setting and I get really nervous. So obviously this is something I need to practice and […]

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Stockholm i mitt hjärta

During a weekend in July I flew to the other side of the pond as we call it for a much needed mini-vacation. Even though I’ve lived in Finland for most of my life, I haven’t had  the habit of going to our neighbouring capital on a regular basis. Some of my friends have even told […]

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Gone to the village

Fiskars Village is without a doubt one of my favourite places in Finland. Ever since my first visit almost 10 years ago this cozy historic village has had me hooked. I remember that first time I was there for a school field trip. I got out of the bus and said “Ooooh, I love this place!” And what’s […]

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East Side Gallery

If there’s one place that you’ll find on every travel guide about Berlin, it’s East side Gallery and after you’ve visited “the wall” you’ll understand why. There’s so many different  styles and such vivid colours, I found it very  inspiring!

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Paint it pretty

Who says a building has to be in one solid colour? There is so much more you can do, as you can see on these examples from Berlin. Imagine living in one of these buildings! I would wish more of this kind of creativity and playfulness in Helsinki.

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Oooh Charlotte!

As in Charlottenburg, the beautiful neighbourhood in Berlin. We went there to see the castle but I completely fell in love with the area around it. At some point I looked at my brother and was like “maybe I should move here!” and his face was like “Seriously?!” I can’t quit put my finger on […]

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While in Berlin

During Easter me and my youngest brother took a well deserved break and flew to Berlin. We had both never been there and the flights were cheaper than those to London, our original destination.A colleague of mine had warned that the city is huge and that I’ll only see a fraction of it during my […]

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