The last time I went to the old town of Stockholm it was on a school trip and it was during the dark winter so on my recent trip I revisited the neighbourhood. It was partly because I didn’t remember much from my previous stay but also because  I wanted to visit some handicraft stores I imagined would be there. Now the savvy traveller would have done some research and found out where the stores are. A savvy traveller would also have known not to go there on a Sunday morning when it’s packed with tourists! Well, I’ve learned my lesson.
Some people say that once you’ve seen one old town in Europe you’ve pretty much seen them all but I don’t agree. I found the one in Stockholm to be quit tranquil.  Once I stepped away from the main crowded streets I could walk along the many steep alleys almost undisturbed. So I walked around, looked at old buildings and did some window shopping. Most of the stores are on the main streets so those handicraft boutiques that I had in mind were left unvisited. All in all , Stockholm’s old town is beautiful and worth visiting, you just need to have plan when you go there.


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