I have this weird things with parks, I rarely visit the ones close to where I live but when I travel they’re usually in my top places to visit. I’m not particularly outdoorsy (I’m trying to change that though) and I’ve never been on a beach holiday so most of my travels are to cities. As much fun as those cities are it’s nice to go to a park and get a break from the intensity and noise of the city. A moment to gather ones thoughts and digest all the things you’ve seen so far.

Tokyo has a lot of beautiful parks and gardens but there’s a few that stand out in my opinion. One of them is Inokashira Park, a park that has a rare quality, it feels calm and cozy even when it’s full of people. I put this park on my list the minute I read that designlovefest post, I just got really curious about those swan boats. When my friend ( and excellent host) Sophie suggested we go to discover Kichijoji  I was really excited to see a new part of Tokyo and with someone who actually lived there. It wasn’t until we were actually in the park that I realised that this where the swan boats were! We rented one and it was so much fun!


Love these colours  and the craftsmanship in the details.


It was a Saturday so the park was full of tourists and locals but it still felt quit calm.


I was tempted to pick one.


I got obsessed with these trees, doesn’t the shape of the leaves remind you of another ehumm . . . . plant?


I wanted to take a “best summer holiday ever” picture but the ice cream was like “eat me or I’ll hit the ground!”


Aren’t these adorable!


This was so much fun! It wasn’t expensive to rent a boat and we actually got the swan version.


This was one of the few occasions during my trip that I wished I had a selfie stick.


I hope the next time I’m this park it will be during the cherry blossom season!

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