I need more purple in my life

You know when a colour gets trendy and you start seeing it everywhere and then you start wanting garments in that colour ? That’s what happened to me during that recent lavender trend. I hadn’t had a reaction like that in a while! My wardrobe is a bit lacking in the purple part of the […]

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Food for thought V.3

1. The blog post that later resulted into the book “Why I’m no longer talking to white people about race” by Reni Eddo Lodge. I haven’t read the book yet but it’s at the top of my reading list. 2. This conversation between Felice León and Kimberlé Crenshaw about how Black women are left out […]

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Daughters of the dust

Daughters of the dust first got on my radar after Lemonade was released, when I was reading different reviews and analyses of Queen Bey’s masterpiece. I added the movie to my watch list but then kinda forgot about it. That is until last week when I found myself in one of my intense googling sessions, […]

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