I have thing for fireworks. I love watching them and in the past few years I’ve been very keen on photographing them as well. This has not always been the case. There was a time when fireworks made me incredibly tense as the sound reminded me of bombs. It took a while but eventually I was able to go outside and enjoy the explosion of colours.

As for photographing fireworks, it started with my previous camera that had a fireworks setting. I don’t think I was using that setting properly but I loved the messy abstract images I got. Now that I’ve gotten better acquainted with my dslr I know I should use a tripod to get the proper shots. I however find that it is the random experimental images that speak to me. You know the ones, that look like someone put a laser in a blender or nebulas and galaxies far far away. I do plan to buy a tripod and then I’ll try the more professional way of photographing fireworks.

After I watched the fireworks marking the beginning of Finland’s centenary anniversary and the euphoria of that experience had worn off, I started thinking how I’d just basically watched tens of thousands (maybe even hundreds of thousands) of euros being blown up. Don’t get me wrong, everything costs money and anniversaries should be celebrated but it’s still a a lot of money for a few minutes. There’s also an environmental aspect to consider. But if we were to get rid of fireworks what would replace them? Lazer light shows? I don’t know, it wouldn’t be quit the same but I’m open to the possibilities the future holds.