Oh may goodness, another year has passed! On one hand it feels like it wasn’t that long ago I was freaking out about that first blog post, on the other hand it feels like years since my second anniversary post. I guess  it’s been a  transformative year!

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about self expression and creativity. On my CV it says I’m fashion designer. As far as design disciplines go, fashion is my first love and what I studied but at the same time the title “fashion designer” is starting to feel more and more alien to me. Maybe it’s because I don’t work with clothes in my day job or maybe it’s the increasing crazy speed of the fashion world. I’m not planing a major career change, I’ve just remembered that there are so many other creative things I like to do or would like to explore. That at the end of the day I love creating and that I’m driven by curiosity. So I’m gonna start referring to myself as a multidisciplinary creative, as pretentious as it might possibly sound. Kreativ mångsysslare, it sounds so much better in Swedish! Let’s see if I still feel the same way next year.

Every year so far I’ve had time management on my list but from now on I’m gonna try to be more patient. That also requires forgiving myself when I don’t meet those insane self imposed deadlines. When you’re actually in charge isn’t it better to do things in a more natural pace and do them properly? To me the constant rushing now feels so unnecessary. I mean, I have a day job for that.

I’m slowly but surely learning to take better pictures and I’m also trying to get comfortable being infront of the camera. It’s definitely not my favourite thing but I want to show the garments that I’ve manage to finish in a different way than I’ve done so far. Hopefully I’ll get more comfortable the more I do it.

So the goal is to often try something new and to keep creating, learning and evolving. Speaking of learning, that colourful image above is my first GIF! It took much less time than I thought thanks to Teela Cunningham’s very help tutorial.

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