
2015 was an event full year in many ways. I turned 30! It was a birthday I feared might cause some sort of existential crisis but what I found was motivation. I decided to stop putting off things I want to do, ’cause if not now, then when? I guess it was me finally realising […]

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Inspired by Murphy

Christmas is around the corner but I’m already thinking about next year’s Flow festival. How’s that for getting ahead of oneself?! The first world dilemma at hand is whether  to get the early bird ticket or not. I mean no artists have been announced yet, not that it’s stopped me before. That got me thinking that I never […]

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The only way is forward

Another year has gone by and I’m still blogging! Wohoooo! How am I celebrating? By editing images from my trip to Stockholm and maybe watching some Downton Abbey. Yes, I need to work on my partying skills. Next year I’m definitely going make a cake! A lot has happened during the past 12 months. I turned the […]

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I was recently invited to a blog event at Tikau, where I got to meet other Swedish speaking bloggers. It was nice to talk to other bloggers about blogging, I haven’t done that before. The evening was also a great opportunity for me to practice my mingling skills and learn about the company. The Tikau […]

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Klippa och Klistra

To be honest, I’m not much of an fashion illustrator. I don’t have talent for drawing and I’ve never had the patience to practice. I occasionally make watercolour illustrations but that’s for the really big projects, like my thesis. In my everyday life I usually draw quick technical drawings of the garments and then move […]

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