Neon Candy

These colours bring back fond memories of hot summer days walking around Harajuku and being amazed by everything I saw. Tokyo is such a fascinating city and I dream of returning one day. Right now I’m looking for neon cotton yarns for a scarf project. Any tips?

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Food for thought V.1

I’m starting a new segment here on the blog where I share books, articles, documentaries and other forms of media discussing issues around racism and decolonisation. I’m no expert in these matters but I wanna do my part in raising awareness and amplifying the voices of activists and people who work with these issues. I […]

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In the mood for love

In the mood for love is one of those movies that has popped up on so many top 10 lists over beautiful movies that I thought it was time to watch it. You know me, at some point I get curious what all the fuss is about. Visually this movie is really beautiful. The sets, […]

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Cherry Blossom

There’s just something special about cherry blossoms. A longstanding dream of mine is to one day travel to Japan during sakura season. It’s gonna take while before that trip happens, with global pandemic going on and my current lack of funds. Until then I’ll enjoy and appreciate the few cherry but lovely cherry blossoms we […]

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Berlin Spring

I haven’t done colour palettes for a while and I’ve really missed it. In these really difficult times I’m finding it therapeutic to work with colours. I’m now testing a more commonly used format so that the colours take up more space of the layout. I’m really curious what you think of this palette and […]

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I came across an image of Diana Ross wearing this gorgeous purple ensemble that turned out to be from a movie she did in 1975. I haven’t watched many movies from the 70’s but as usual my curiosity got the best of me. Now, this movie was made 45 years ago so there’s a lot […]

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Loppis hopping in Jacob City

Ok, so the name of the place is actually Pietarsaari or Jakobstad but I’m hoping that Jacob City will catch on soon. For non swedish speakers loppis means flea market. I visited this lovely town during some really hot days this past summer. It’s a town that has an unusual amount of second hand, vintage […]

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The Fall

Ever since I watched Mirror Mirror, I’ve had Eiko Ishioka’s body of work on my watch list. The costumes in that movie are just amazing! So when I had a calm sunday a few weeks ago, I sat down and watched The Fall. I’m not gonna try to explain the plot of this Tarsem Singh […]

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Carmen Jones

I stumbled on this movie when I was doing a school project last year and became fascinated with African American style icons from the 50’s. I was looking into Dorothy Dandridge’s work and saw the trailer for Carmen Jones. A movie based on an opera made in 1954 with an all black cast? I had […]

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Joyce Bryant

Last spring I was working on a school project that was partly inspired by 1950’s fashion. While doing research I came across these amazing black women in entertainment that I had never heard of before. Women who were being their awesome bad ass selves at a time when racism was the norm. One of those […]

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Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the culture I consume. I’ve been for example asking myself why I like watching costume and period dramas so much and the problematic aspect of watching them as a black woman. There’s this interesting article by Monique Jones where she explains the many things she finds difficult watching […]

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Ceremonial Blooms

When I visited the Alppiruusupuisto last summer, I vowed to visit the park earlier this year so I could see all the flowers in full bloom. So when the images from the park started showing up in my insta feed I got on a bus towards Haaga. Is it kinda lame? Maybe. But you guys […]

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A rainbow of gems

When I visited the Munich Residence, I also visited the treasury out of pure curiosity. There was all kinds of artifacts, from jewellery to sculptures. Being a lover of gemstones however, it was the crowns and jewellery with colourful stones that caught my eye rather than the ones with perfect cut diamonds. It was a […]

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