I’m starting a new segment here on the blog where I share books, articles, documentaries and other forms of media discussing issues around racism and decolonisation. I’m no expert in these matters but I wanna do my part in raising awareness and amplifying the voices of activists and people who work with these issues. I also want use this segment to celebrate great black and POC creatives around the world as well as individuals working for a better world.

  1. A good explanation of the term trauma porn
  2. A conversation between Lovette Jallow and Barakat Ghebrehawariat about the complexities of trauma porn and its emotional ramifications.
  3. This documentary shows what happens when you mix colonialism, skewed interpretations of religious texts and homophobia. I recommend watching it and sharing it with your friends, especially the religious ones.

4. Diversify your insta feed, here are a few suggestions.

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