In today’s world of Pinterest, you see very many beautiful diy ideas and sometimes you see so many that you don’t know where to start creating. Then there’s the diys that are so clever and simple, you’ll be like “why didn’t I think of that!” That’t what happened when I saw Matilda Gustafsson’s post about crocheted cotton pads. I immediately saved the post on bloglovin’ and went through my yarn bag to see if I had any yarn I could use.
Cotton pads are one of those things I’ve been wanting to find a less wasteful alternative for and I love crocheting so this diy was really up my alley. I chose to crochet my cotton pads round with double crochet using this diagram.
There are so many ways one could crochet these cotton pads. One could use different materials, shapes, sizes and patterns. In the coming months I at least want to crochet a couple of sets in different thicknesses and maybe use linnen and bamboo instead of cotton.

At first I wanted to use linen yarn but it felt a bit unnecessary to go buy yarn when I had cotton yarn left over from other projects. I didn’t know which thickness would be ideal so I made one out of each yarn before crocheting more.

I went with the thicker yarn, I think the thicker pads absorb more liquid. I might crochet more pads from the thinner yarn at a later point. I liked the exfoliating aspect of this test pad.

One tip I would give is to think of shrinkage when deciding on size of the pads.