2019 has gotten off to a rocky start but I’m determined not to let all these difficulties and insecurities crush me. Last year I didn’t make traditional new year’s resolutions, instead I choose to focus on gratitude. To have it be a guiding theme for the year. Practicing gratitude is not easy, especially in this fast paced world we live in and for a overthinking individual like myself. It’s something I’m going to have to keep working on because I honestly believe it’s the key to having a more positive outlook on life.
In 2019 my guiding theme is going to be ACTION! Not as in watch a new action movie every week but as in get shit done! I had a bit of an aha moment last fall when I realised that the self discipline I’ve been telling myself I need in order to start certain projects is not going to fall from the sky. I either have to start having self discipline or keep writing long list of things that never get done. So I looked into this mysterious thing called self discipline and it turns out it all comes down to habits and being consistent with those habits, at least according to some. Habits sound much more down to earth and doable than self discipline. Creating new habits is challenging but I believe I now have a good starting point.
My year of action means finishing projects that have been collecting dust and starting new scary projects I’ve wanted to do in a while. It means rethinking how how I choose projects, how I write to-do lists and how I use my time. It also means standing up for what I believe in, even when it’s uncomfortable and even scary. What are your themes or resolutions for 2019?