I was thinking about doing a regular recap of the past year and maybe even mention my new year’s resolutions but I felt I wanted to do things a bit different this time. I need to embrace more change in my life so why not start with my blog posts? Instead I want to say what I’ll be focusing on in 2018, gratitude. I know it might sound a little bit cheesy but I’ve noticed how much my perspective on things changes when I remind myself of all the things I’m grateful for. Looking at things differently is key to changing one’s mindset.

2017 was an exciting and scary year full of changes. I maybe didn’t get to travel as much as I would have wanted and some periods of the year were very stressful but looking back I’m reminded how incredibly fortunate I am.

Cultivating gratitude is not always easy. There are so many injustices in the world that just make me so angry! I easily get lost in bad thought cycles when I’m stressed and fall deep in the rabbit hole of self doubt. But I think it’s exactly in those moments I need to remember to be grateful . I think that might be where to find the strength and energy to fight for change in the world and on a personal level.

So happy new year wonderful people! And remember to list the things you’re grateful for!

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