I started writing this post wanting to share what’s been going on lately but then an invoice from my web hosting company reminded me of something. I’ve been so busy lately that I almost forgot that my fourth blogging anniversary was coming up.

When I started this website I was struggling to find work in design and started the blog as a way to creatively keep me occupied. I had this irrational fear that I would forget most of what I had learned in design school while doing those other jobs we all have to do in order to get by.

It’s been a few years now and even though I’ve at times felt like my life is uneventful, looking back to those first posts I can see how much I’ve changed as a person but also as a creator. During these few years I’ve changed jobs, traveled and moved a couple of times. I’m glad I’ve kept creating and posting, even when I was feeling very insecure about my skills.

It’s now again time for another chapter, challenge and adventure. I’m going back to school to get my masters and I’ve moved again and I now have not one but three lovely roommates. It’s funny how things sometimes work out. I really feel like this the right time for me to back to school. I feel I’m much more focused and have a clear idea what I want to learn.

What do these changes mean for my little blog? I’m probably going to be posting more irregularly and posting about a wider range of subjects. The focus is going to be my creative process and all the things that inspire me but I now feel brave enough to also write about things I’m worried about. I’m curious to see where that leads.

For the first time in a really long time I feel I can honestly say that I’m excited about the changes that are happening in my life. Do I have everything figured out? Hell no! Am I worried about the planet and what feels increasing division and apathy? Of course! But for once, in my little bubble, things are going my way!

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