I’m the kind of person who really hates looking for things. This has made into an avid organiser. My space is not always clean (I’m not a big fan of vacuum cleaners) but my things are always organised. One side effect of this is that I have a weakness for what you could call organising tools, boxes, folders, pouches you name it. I probably have it worst for pouches, I mean, I have a pouch for my pouches! It’s probably because I can make them myself and I always find new uses for them.
When I was packing for Tokyo, I realised I could use a couple of pouches for smaller items that can easily get lost when unpacking a large suitcase. I also thought they could be useful for those deep bags with dark lining that seem to swallow small things like hair accessories. So I went through my fabric scraps and found pieces that matched my flea market bought zippers. My materials kind of limited the size of the pouches but I wanted to make the as pretty as possible. I thought about decorating them with embroidery but I wanted to try some new techniques. I ended up using tucking and gathering techniques from the great book The art of manipulating fabric. I can’t talk enough about how great this book is!
I’m pretty happy with my pouch trio and they’ve already been in use when I’ve gone up north to visit my family. How about you? Are you pouch using kind of people? How do you pack small items when traveling?