I’m very proud of myself I have to admit. I’ve managed to do something that’s been on my summer to-do list for years now, to visit antique and vintage markets outside Helsinki. Luckily for me I have friend who was willing not not only to join me but also give me a ride!
Billnäs was our first stop before heading  to Fiskars and boy was I pleasantly surprised! There was such wide selection of products and this was just outside the main event. As lover of glass in all forms and colours this event was really a feast for the eye. I saw a lot of beautiful things I wanted to own but when I really thought about it I didn’t really need or have space for any of it. The only thing I wished I’d been able to buy was the antique rings I found at one stand. I have no picture of them ’cause I was too busy drooling over them that I forgot I had my camera with me
Though I came home empty handed I hope to make a visit to these markets a yearly tradition. There are so many interesting products and I really get inspired. It’s like going to a museum only way more fun ’cause you can actually touch and examine the items!


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