Don’t you love it when you can clearly notice that you’re getting better at something? I knitted another beanie, finished it without major drama and it fits exactly the way that I wanted it to! I used the previous beanie I knitted as a starting point and this pattern for the decreasing. The amount of stitches I had differed from the pattern so I had to improvise on some rows but it’s not noticeable. This is a major improvement from unravelling everything five times before i even get to the decreasing. I really like the shape of this all rib version so I will be knitting one or two more beanies like it. I have in idea in my head about a velvet one so send any tips on cellulose based velvet yarns my way!
This mustardy-brownish colour of the beanie is not one I would have chosen a couple of years ago. But then I saw this shirt at a second hand store and really liked it. I then wondered why I hadn’t bought a single brown garment in over fifteen years, I don’t remember making a conscious decision to avoid the colour. I don’t think I’ll ever become person who only wears ” neutral” colours but it’s perhaps a sign that I need some garments in “neutral” colours in my otherwise quite vibrant and patterned way of dressing.