I have been really bad at watching new movies lately. It’s partly because most movie theatres are closed right now but also the many binge worthy tv shows being released. Bridgerton anyone? The few movies I have been watching are ones I’ve usually seen before and they usually pop in my head at the most random times.
I rewatched House of Flying Daggers after new years ( I can’t remember why, maybe the beautifully choreographed fighting sequences?) and decided to soon after watch another Zhang Yimou film, Curse of the Golden Flower. I only remembered that the movie was visually beautiful and that there was a lot of death but the plot was a bit fuzzy in my memory.
Having rewatched it, I can say that everything about this movie is grand, over the top and then some. That includes the plot, the set and costume design. I can only imagine the scale of the production based on the amount of extras in the opening sequence alone.
Without revealing the plot let’s say it is an intense family drama that involves bloody sword fighting. But oh my! The garments these characters wear while plotting all the drama and spaces these sword fights take place are so gorgeous! The choreography of the fight scenes might not be on the same level as Hero (still one of the most visually stunning movies I’ve ever seen) or House of Flying Daggers but the colours ( and gold!) in this movie are in a league of their own.