One dream of mine is to one day be in Japan during the cherry blossom season. There’s just something magical about flower covered trees as far as the eye can see. While parks with cherry trees can be found in other countries, even in northern places like Stockholm, I was surprised to hear we had our own here in Helsinki. The Roihuvuori Kirsikkapuisto is quit small but pretty non the less. We went there on a Wednesday after work out of pure curiosity. There were plenty of people relaxing under the trees, walking their dogs or taking photos. I didn’t stay long but I snapped a few pictures and was again reminded how much I love flowers (even though I can’t grow them).
Part of my dream is coming true this week as I’m heading to Tokyo for some much needed vacation. I might have missed the Sakura season this time but I’m super excited to step out of my comfort zone and travel to a new continent and discover the fascinating city that is Tokyo. You can follow journey on Instagram, I’ll be posting as often as I can. Adventure here I come!